Monday, April 25, 2011

April 2011 Family Fiesta at the beach in San Agustín

Pastor Damian along with the Outreach team from Cristo Por Su Mundo planned for months for this fiesta. It was touch and go because the support was down because of the economy in the US. But other supporters such as Growers First Coffee and Napa friends came through and the program went very well. This also had a lot to do with the prayer support of all our partners in the United States and beyond.

Here is just a glimpse of the fun and games with the children and being able to see some of the children who asked Jesus into their hearts. We will be sharing testimonies and reports as they come in. Pastor Damian asked me to be sure to thank everyone who was a part in giving and praying. Also he thanks you for all the prayers for himself as he became extremely tired and very congested but he is now up and anxious to go forward and followup on what God did in the lives of the families who attended.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Latest Baptismal Down by the riverside

Here are photos from the latest baptismal in the Copilita river of Huatulco as a result of the recent Youth Impact Event held in October.